This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

Introduction to Workflows with Common Workflow Language: Setup


These lessons are best followed using VSCode, and the Benten extension (which is a language server for CWL). We will also be using the CWL reference runner. Instructions for installing these are given below.

VSCode and Benten installation

  1. Download and install VSCode.

  2. Open and click the Install button or follow the dirctions. The VSCode Benten extension will require the Benten server to be installed too. It will prompt you to do this the first time you activate the extension.

CWL installation

Windows users

  1. Install the “Windows Subsystem for Linux 2” (WSL2) and the Docker Desktop before installing the cwltool. Follow these steps until step 6.
  2. Then got to to install the “Remote - WSL” extension for VS Code by clicking the Install button or by following the directions.
  3. After installation choose “Open a Remote - WSL Window” and then “New WSL Window”. Your VS Code window should now say “WSL: Debian” in green at the lower left corner.
  4. Choose “Clone Git Repository and paste in and accept the default destination: your home directory in WSL : Debian.
  5. Enable the Benten CWL extension in this “WSL : Debian” window: press `Ctrl+Shift+X” to open the “Extensions” and click the “Install in WSL: Debian” button.
  6. Chose TerminalNew Terminal. Execute sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y python3-venv wget in the terminal and then continue with the Linux instructions below.

Linux users already have a Linux terminal and can start with following the steps below.

In this tutorial the latest version of cwltool is needed. To ensure this, a virtual environment is using pip and venv is used.

python3 -m venv env			# Create a virtual environment named 'env' in the current directory
source env/bin/activate			# Activate the 'env' environment

The virtual environment needs to be activated every time you start the terminal using the source env/bin/activate command.

Next, install cwltool.

pip install cwltool

For the visualisation of the workflow, please install graphviz:

sudo apt-get install -y graphviz


You will need to install some example files for this lesson. In this tutorial we will use RNA sequencing data.

Setting up a practice repository

For this tutorial some existing tools are needed to build the workflow. These existing tools will be imported via GitHub. First we need to create an empty git repository for all our files. To do this, use this command:

git init novice-tutorial-exercises

Next, we need to move into our empty git repo:

cd novice-tutorial-exercises

Then import bio-cwl-tools with this command:

git submodule add

Downloading sample and reference data

Create a new directory inside the novice-tutorial-exercises directory and download the data:

mkdir rnaseq
cd rnaseq
wget --mirror --no-parent --no-host --cut-dirs=1

Downloading or generating STAR index

To run the STAR tool index files generated from the reference files are needed. This is a large download (4 GB), so it is also possible to generate these files yourself.


mkdir hg19-chr1-STAR-index
cd hg19-chr1-STAR-index
wget --mirror --no-parent --no-host --cut-dirs=1


Create chr1-star-index.yaml in the the novice-tutorial-exercises directory:

  - class: File
    location: rnaseq/reference_data/chr1.fa
IndexName: 'hg19-chr1-STAR-index'
  class: File
  location: rnaseq/reference_data/chr1-hg19_genes.gtf
Overhang: 99

Generate the index files with cwltool:

cwltool bio-cwl-tools/STAR/STAR-Index.cwl chr1-star-index.yaml